Vi er altid på udkig efter flere talenter
Hos Safe-Tec er vi i konstant udvikling og søger altid
flere talenter. Er du interesseret i at være en del af en virksomhed i rivende
udvikling, hvor vi former fremtidens løsninger og arbejder på at levere
banebrydende teknologier inden for vehicle recovery og truck towing?
Vi kombinerer seriøsitet med en inspirerende arbejdsdag og
prioriterer høj autonomi, medarbejdertrivsel samt mulighed for personlig- og
faglig udvikling. Vores team består af engagerede medarbejdere inden for
tekniske, produktions- og administrative fagområder.
Bliv en del af et dynamisk team, hvor innovation,
effektivitet og samarbejde er i centrum. Send dit CV og en motiveret ansøgning
til job@safe-tec.dk.
Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!
Whats New

Focus on Partnerships
Focus on Partnerships: Safe-Tec and Boniface Engineering at the Telford Tow Show Safe-Tec A/S and Boniface Engineering Limited have been collaborating for over 30 years, building a strong and...
Focus on Partnerships
Focus on Partnerships: Safe-Tec and Boniface Engineering at the Telford Tow Show Safe-Tec A/S and Boniface Engineering Limited have been collaborating for over 30 years, building a strong and...

Safe-Tec Unveils New Mazak HCN-4000 Machining C...
Safe-Tec Unveils New Mazak HCN-4000 Machining Center: Paving the Way for Enhanced In-House Production Safe-Tec has taken a bold step forward in its manufacturing capabilities with the introduction of the...
Safe-Tec Unveils New Mazak HCN-4000 Machining C...
Safe-Tec Unveils New Mazak HCN-4000 Machining Center: Paving the Way for Enhanced In-House Production Safe-Tec has taken a bold step forward in its manufacturing capabilities with the introduction of the...

Safe-Tec MKVII Ecosystem: Revolutionizing Towin...
Safe-Tec MKVII Ecosystem: Revolutionizing Towing and Recovery for Defense Vehicles In the high-stakes world of defense operations, reliability, efficiency, and adaptability are non-negotiable. That's why Safe-Tec has developed the MKVII...
Safe-Tec MKVII Ecosystem: Revolutionizing Towin...
Safe-Tec MKVII Ecosystem: Revolutionizing Towing and Recovery for Defense Vehicles In the high-stakes world of defense operations, reliability, efficiency, and adaptability are non-negotiable. That's why Safe-Tec has developed the MKVII...

New Faces at Safe-Tec
Danish Version Below! 🎉 Exciting Announcement: Welcome Mikkel Højer Andersen and Robin Skovbo to Safe-Tec! We're thrilled to introduce the latest additions to our team at Safe-Tec: Mikkel Højer Andersen...
New Faces at Safe-Tec
Danish Version Below! 🎉 Exciting Announcement: Welcome Mikkel Højer Andersen and Robin Skovbo to Safe-Tec! We're thrilled to introduce the latest additions to our team at Safe-Tec: Mikkel Højer Andersen...

Let's talk Certifications
In today's increasingly competitive market, users have become more discerning than ever, demanding not only high-quality products but also transparency and responsibility from the companies they support. For manufacturers and...
Let's talk Certifications
In today's increasingly competitive market, users have become more discerning than ever, demanding not only high-quality products but also transparency and responsibility from the companies they support. For manufacturers and...

ICC project
The Danish Vehicle recovery solutions company Safe-Tec A/S based in Southeast Seeland has been approved by the Danish Business Authority for a major ICC project (Industrial Co-operation Contract) with a...
ICC project
The Danish Vehicle recovery solutions company Safe-Tec A/S based in Southeast Seeland has been approved by the Danish Business Authority for a major ICC project (Industrial Co-operation Contract) with a...