Whats New
New Faces at Safe-Tec
Danish Version Below! 🎉 Exciting Announcement: Welcome Mikkel Højer Andersen and Robin Skovbo to Safe-Tec! We're thrilled to introduce the latest additions to our team at Safe-Tec: Mikkel...
Let's talk Certifications
In today's increasingly competitive market, users have become more discerning than ever, demanding not only high-quality products but also transparency and responsibility from the companies they support. For...
ICC project
The Danish Vehicle recovery solutions company Safe-Tec A/S based in Southeast Seeland has been approved by the Danish Business Authority for a major ICC project (Industrial Co-operation Contract)...
New face at Safe-Tec A/S
The top transfer story this spring – we are very excited to announce Martin Gestrin as the newest member of our sales team, with a specialist profile in...
Visions for a greener future
Do you know how we develop systems with a focus on green transition? "In an already challenged industry, we are motivated to develop the best system solutions possible - in a responsible...
Why the E?
2021 has been an exciting year for Safe-Tec A/S. A year with new developments and good feedback from the Safe-Bar network. This has made us think new ways...
Safe-Tec byder velkommen til ny daglig leder
Safe-Tec A/S Teamet byder varmt velkommen til vores nye daglige leder, Martin Møller. Martin har ansvaret for at vores eksisterende kunder oplever en høj grad af service og...
Et nyt Safe-Bar koncept: SAF150VK
Denne nye Safe-Bar løsning henvender sig til til køretøjer som bevæger sig i mere kompliceret terræn. kører du som eksempel med tip trailer på mudrede veje i kuperet...
Spil løsning for NK Vand
Vi modtager ofte problemstillinger fra kunder som tillader os at udvikle den bedst mulige løsning for træk- og løfteoperationer. I dette tilfælde har vi i samarbejde med NK...